In order to better reproduce new obervationnal constraints, the
previous IAS model (Lagache et al., 2004,
2003) was updated in Bethermin, Dole, Lagache, Le Borgne and Penin
(2011, AandA 529 A4,
This new model used the previous Lagache et al. (2004) Galaxy SED
templates and a fully parametric evolution of the luminosity
function. The parameters of the model was determined fitting the
infrared/sub-mm number counts, and some mid-IR luminosity functions
with a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC).
You can access to the Lagache et al (2004) model and products
using this LDP04 link.
Modelling the infrared galaxy evolution using a phenomenological approach
M. Bethermin, H. Dole, G. Lagache, D. Le Borgne and A. Penin, 2011 (AandA 529 A4).
We aim at modeling the infrared galaxy evolution in an as simple as
possible way and reproduce statistical properties among which the
number counts between 15 microns and 1.1 mm, the luminosity functions,
and the redshift distributions. We then aim at using this model to
interpret the recent observations (Spitzer, Akari, BLAST, LABOCA,
AzTEC, SPT and Herschel), and make predictions for future experiments
like CCAT or SPICA.
This model uses an evolution in density and luminosity of the
luminosity function with two breaks at redshift ~0.9 and 2 and
contains the two populations of the Lagache et al. (2004) model:
normal and starburst galaxies. We also take into account the effect of
the strong lensing of high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxies. It has 13
free parameters and 8 additional calibration parameters. We fit the
parameters to the IRAS, Spitzer, Herschel and AzTEC measurements with
a Monte-Carlo Markov chain.
The model ajusted on deep counts at key wavelengths reproduces the
counts from the mid-infrared to the millimeter wavelengths, as well as
the mid-infrared luminosity functions. We discuss the contribution to
the cosmic infrared background (CIB) and to the infrared luminosity
density of the different populations. We also estimate the effect of
the lensing on the number counts, and discuss the recent discovery by
the South Pole Telescope (SPT) of a very bright population lying at
high-redshift. We predict confusion level for future missions using a
P(D) formalism, and the Universe opacity to TeV photons due to the
In all the work, we use the WMAP 7 year cosmology (Larson et al.,
Lots of predictions can be done from dN/dS/dz(S,z,lambda) (see the
Bethermin et al. 2011). We generated a grid in flux, redshift and
wavelength of this quantity for the mean parameters of the model
(given in the paper Table 1):
The grids (save.gz files below) have been updated on Apr 15th,
2011. The passbands of Planck, Herschel and SPT have been updated
with the measured transmission.
- (100 Mb) contains the total contribution.
- (100 Mb) contains the contribution of the strongly-lensed sources (magnification greater than 2).
- (100 Mb) contains the contribution of non-lensed sources.
- (100 Mb) is a version with the lensing model off.
- README explains the content of these IDL save files.
If you want to study the uncertainties on the model, we also provide
IDL save files containing several realizations of the model:
- (100 Mb) contains the total contribution.
- (100 Mb) contains the contribution of the strongly-lensed sources (magnification greater than 2).
- (100 Mb) contains the contribution of non-lensed sources.
- (100 Mb) is a version with the lensing model off.
Some program (with a documented header) computing different
predictions (counts, N(z), CIB) can be downloaded here in a
single tgz file (2kb) (updated in April 2011, bugs corrected). If
you need other predictions, please contact matthieu. bethermin chez
ias. u-psud. fr. But, remember that this model is parametric. Some
predictions can be easily done directly from the fitted parameters and
the equations given in the paper.
Note that these SED are valid to wavelengths from 4 microns to 3 mm ONLY ! These are LDP04 SEDs.
Starburst SED
ASCII table
1st column: wavelength in m
2nd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^9 Lsun galaxy
3rd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^10 Lsun galaxy
4th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^11 Lsun galaxy
5th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^12 Lsun galaxy
6th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^13 Lsun galaxy
Normal/Cold SED
1st column: wavelength in m
2nd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^11 Lsun galaxy
Many more Starburst SED
(with LogL steps of 0.1 Lsun) in ascii gzipped
Many more Normal/Cold SED
(with LogL steps of 0.1 Lsun) in ascii gzipped
Mock catalogs coming soon...
- Lagache, Dole, Puget, 2003, MNRAS, 338, 555 in PDF
- Lagache, Dole, Puget et al, 2004, ApJS, in PDF
- Bethermin, Dole, Lagache, Le Borgne and Penin, 529 A4
2011, AandA