All files were updated on June 22nd, 2006. The comparison between the model and observations can
be found here (model in red, observations in black).
Back to Bethermin+2011 newer model
Modelling the infrared galaxy evolution using a phenomenological approach
G. Lagache, H. Dole, J-L. Puget, MNRAS, 2003, 338, 555
To characterise the cosmological evolution of the sources contributing
to the infrared extragalactic background, we have
developped a phenomenological model that constrains in
a simple way the galaxy luminosity function evolution
with the redshift, and fits all the existing source
counts and redshift distributions, Cosmic Infrared
Background intensity and fluctuations observations
from the mid-infrared to the submillimetre range. The
model is based on template spectra of starburst and
normal galaxies, and on the local infrared luminosity
function. Although the Cosmic Infrared Background can
be modeled with very different luminosity functions as
long as the radiation production with redshift is the
right one, the number counts, and the anisotropies of
the unresolved background, imply that the luminosity
function must change dramatically with redshift, with
a rapid evolution of the high-luminosity sources
(Log(L) > 11.5 Lo) from z=0 to z=1 which then stay
rather constant up to redshift 5. The derived
evolution of the IR luminosity function may be linked
to a bimodal star formation process, one associated
with the quiescent and passive phase of the galaxy
evolution and one associated with the starburst phase,
trigerred by merging and interactions. The latter
dominates the infrared and submillimetre ouput energy
of the Universe.
The model is intended as a convenient tool to plan further
observations, as illustrated through predictions for
Herschel, Planck and ALMA observations. Our model
predictions for given wavelengths, together with
some usefull routines, are available for general use
The paper is published in MNRAS, 2003, vol 338, Number 3, 555.
In all the work, we use h=0.65, Omega_Lambda = 0.7, Omega_0 = 0.3
PAHs contribution to the infrared output energy of the Universe at z~2
G. Lagache, H. Dole, J-L. Puget, P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, E. Le Floc'h,
G. H. Rieke, C. Papovich, E. Egami,
A. Alonso-Herrero, C. W. Engelbracht,
K.D. Gordon, K. A. Misselt, and
J. E. Morrison, ApJSS, 2004, in press
We present an updated phenomenological galaxy evolution model to fit
the Spitzer 24, 70 and 160 micron number counts as
well as all the previous mid and far infrared
observations. Only a minor change of the co-moving
luminosity density distribution in the previous
model, combined with a slight modification of the
starburst template spectra mainly between 12 and
30 microns, are required to fit all the data
available. We show that the peak in the MIPS 24
microns counts is dominated by galaxies with
redshift between 1 and 2, with a non negligible
contribution from the z>2 galaxies (~30% at S=0.2
mJy). The very close agreement between the model
and number counts at 15 and 24 microns strikingly
implies that
(1) the PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) features remain
prominent in the redshift band 0.5 to 2.5 and
(2) the IR energy output has to be dominated by ~3 10^11 Lo to ~10^12
Lo galaxies from redshift 0.5 to 2.5.
Combining Spitzer with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) deep
cosmological surveys gives for the first
time an unbiased view of the infrared
Universe from z=0 to z=2.5.
The paper is published in ApJS, 154, 112, in 2004
The IDL save files contain the following variables:
- dNdLNLdZ: dN / (dlnLdz) in function of L and z
- z : redshift
- lum_array: array of luminosities in solar luminosity
- DSDZ : dS/dz in function of L and z
- Slz: flux in Jy in function of L and z
The "generic filters" are top-hat filters with delta_lambda / lambda =
1/3. Otherwise, we used the
real transmission filters.
SPITZER/IRAC 8 micron starburst, 8 micron generic filter
SPITZER/IRAC 8 micron normal galaxies, 8 micron generic filter
ISOCAM 15 micron starburst, ISOCAM 15 micron filter
ISOCAM 15 micron normal galaxies, ISOCAM 15 micron filter
SPITZER/MIPS 24 micron starburst, MIPS 24 micron filter
SPITZER/MIPS 24 micron normal galaxies, MIPS 24 micron filter
IRAS 60 micron starburst, COBE 60 micron filter
IRAS 60 micron normal galaxies,COBE 60 micron filter
SPITZER/MIPS 70 micron starburst, MIPS 70 micron filter
SPITZER/MIPS 70 micron normal galaxies, MIPS 70 micron filter
PACS 75 micron starburst, 75 micron generic filter
PACS 75 micron normal galaxies, 75 micron generic filter
ISOPHOT 90 micron starburst, ISOPHOT 90 micron filter
ISOPHOT 90 micron normal galaxies, ISOPHOT 90 micron filter
IRAS 100 micron starburst, COBE 100 micron filter
IRAS 100 micron normal galaxies, COBE 100 micron filter
PACS 110 micron starburst, 110 micron generic filter
PACS 110 micron normal galaxies, 110 micron generic filter
SPITZER/MIPS 160 micron starburst, MIPS 160 micron filter
SPITZER/MIPS 160 micron normal galaxies, MIPS 160 micron filter
ISOPHOT and PACS 170 micron starburst, ISOPHOT micron 170 filter
ISOPHOT and PACS 170 micron normal galaxies, ISOPHOT 170 micron filter
SPIRE 250 micron starburst 250 micron generic filter
SPIRE 250 micron normal galaxies, 250 micron generic filter
SPIRE and PLANCK 350 micron starburst, 350 micron generic filter
SPIRE and PLANCK 350 micron normal galaxies, 350 micron generic filter
SCUBA 450 micron starburst, 450 micron generic filter
SCUBA 450 micron normal galaxies,450 micron generic filter
SPIRE 500 micron starburst, 500 micron generic filter
SPIRE 500 micron normal galaxies,500 micron generic filter
PLANCK 550 micron starburst, 550 micron generic filter
PLANCK 550 micron normal galaxies,550 micron generic filter
PLANCK 850 micron starburst, 850 micron generic filter
PLANCK 850 micron normal galaxies, 850 micron generic filter
SCUBA 850 micron starburst, SCUBA 850 micron filter
SCUBA 850 micron normal galaxies,SCUBA 850 micron filter
MAMBO 1300 micron starburst, 1300 micron generic filter
MAMBO 1300 micron normal galaxies, 1300 micron generic filter
PLANCK 1380 micron starburst, 1380 micron generic filter
PLANCK 1380 micron normal galaxies,1380 micron generic filter
PLANCK 2097 micron starburst, 2097 micron generic filter
PLANCK 2097 micron normal galaxies,2097 generic filter
MAMBO/IRAM 3000 micron starburst, 3000 micron generic filter
MAMBO/IRAM 3000 micron normal galaxies, 3000 micron generic filter
Luminosity Functions of normal galaxies, starburst galaxies, and total galaxies, in units of Mpc-3 dex-1. It is given for 185 redshifts.
Note that these SED are valid to wavelengths from 4 microns to 3 mm ONLY !
Starburst SED
ASCII table
1st column: wavelength in m
2nd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^9 Lsun galaxy
3rd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^10 Lsun galaxy
4th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^11 Lsun galaxy
5th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^12 Lsun galaxy
6th column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^13 Lsun galaxy
Normal/Cold SED
1st column: wavelength in m
2nd column: SED in W/Hz of a 10^11 Lsun galaxy
Many more Starburst SED
(with LogL steps of 0.1 Lsun) in ascii gzipped
Many more Normal/Cold SED
(with LogL steps of 0.1 Lsun) in ascii gzipped
- Lagache, Dole, Puget, 2003, MNRAS, 338, 555 in PDF
- Lagache, Dole, Puget et al, 2004, ApJS, in PDF