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Dust evolution in photon-dominated regions

TitleDust evolution in photon-dominated regions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSchirmer, T, Ysard, N, Habart, E, Jones, AP, Abergel, A, Verstraete, L
EditorRichard, J, Siebert, A, Lagadec, E, Lagarde, N, Venot, O, Malzac, J, Marquette, J-B, N'Diaye, M, Briot, B
Conference NameSF2A-2022: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Keywordsextinction - evolution, ISM: individual objects: IC63, Orion Bar - ISM: photon-dominated regions (PDR) - dust
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