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Detection of fast neutrons with LiF and Al(2)O(3) scintillating bolometers

TitleDetection of fast neutrons with LiF and Al(2)O(3) scintillating bolometers
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsCoron, N, Cuesta, C, Domange, J, Garcia, E, Gironnet, J, Leblanc, J, de Marcillac, P, Martinez, M, Ortigoza, Y, de Solorzano, AO, Pobes, C, Puimedon, J, Redon, T, Rolon, T, Sarsa, ML, Torres, L, Villar, JA
EditorCoccia, E, Pandola, L, Fornengo, N, Aloisio, R
Conference NameTopics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics
ISBN Number1742-6588
Accession NumberWOS:000280470400139

Scintillating bolometers of LiF and Al(2)O(3) can monitor the fast neutrons flux in WIMPs searches. With both materials we merge the traditional fast neutron detection methods of induced reactions and scattering. The ROSEBUD collaboration devoted an underground run in the old Canfranc laboratory to study the response of LiF and Al(2)O(3) to fast neutrons from (252)Cf. Both bolometers were used simultaneously in a common experimental set-up resembling those of current WIMPs searches, which could give valuable insights into future WIMPs searches with cryogenic detectors as EURECA.

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