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Status of Tests of Cryogenic Scintillators with a 2.8 K Optical Cryostat

TitleStatus of Tests of Cryogenic Scintillators with a 2.8 K Optical Cryostat
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsVerdier, MA, Augier, C, Coron, N, De Jesus, M, de Marcillac, P, Di Stefano, PCF, Dujardin, C, Gascon, J, Gironnet, J, Juillard, A, Loaiza, P, Sanglard, V, Scorza, S, Torres, L, Vanzetto, S, Collaboration, E
EditorCabrera, B, Miller, A, Young, B
Conference NameLow Temperature Detectors Ltd 13
ISBN Number0094-243X<br/>978-0-7354-0751-0
Accession NumberWOS:000281588500166

In order to increase the range of targets for rare events detection at low temperature such as dark matter or neutrinoless double beta decay events, we have developed an optical cryostat to study the scintillation of crystals down to 2.8 K under gamma particles, thanks to its compact optical geometry. Some scintillation properties of BGO (Bi(4)Ge(3)O(12)) at low temperature obtained with this setup will be shown here.

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