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Inverse volume corrections from loop quantum gravity and the primordial tensor power spectrum in slow-roll inflation

TitleInverse volume corrections from loop quantum gravity and the primordial tensor power spectrum in slow-roll inflation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsGrain, J, Barrau, A, Gorecki, A
JournalPhysical Review D
Date PublishedApr
ISBN Number1550-7998
Accession NumberWOS:000266408500077

Together with holonomy corrections, inverse volume terms should be taken into account when studying the primordial universe in loop quantum cosmology. We investigate how the tensor power spectrum is modified with respect to the standard general relativistic prediction by those semiclassical corrections. Depending on the values of the free parameters of the model, it is shown that the spectrum can exhibit a very large deviation from its usual shape, in particular, with a very red slope and a strong running in the infrared limit.

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