The team Matière Interstellaire et Cosmologie (Interstellar Matter and Cosmology, MIC) addresses two major themes of the domain: the physical laws that govern the Universe, and the formation and evolution of the Universe. The activities of the MIC team are articulated around a continuum of physical problems related to the structuration of matter from the largest scales of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) down to the scales of stars. They draw on modelling, simulations, theoretical and observational approaches.
A special effort is being conducted for the development of tools for data processing and analysis, as well as for the distribution of products and reference softwares to the community. In parallel, we conduct multidisciplinary R&D in the field of bolometers, including bolometer arrays for future projects.
Our instrumental developments are done in the context of the space- and ground-based programme of the discipline. We were PI of the Planck/HFI. We had and have commitments on instrumental contributions or ground segments for ISO, XMM-Newton, Herschel, JWST/MIRI (NASA Mission), EUCLID (M2 ESA Mission), PILOT (CNES balloon-borne experiment), PRONAOS (CNES balloon-borne experiment), NIKA (instrument for the 30m telescope of IRAM), ATHENA (L2 ESA Mission).
Members of the team :

Alexandre Beelen (Associate Astronomer)
Victor Bonjean (PhD Student)
Thomas Boutéraon (PhD Student)
Benjamin Clarenc (PhD Student)
Noel Coron (Senior researcher, emeritus)
Giulio Fabbian (Post-doc)
Adélie Gorce (PhD Student)
Julien Grain (Researcher)
Vincent Guillet (Associate Professor)
Emilie Habart (Associate Professor)
Amine Hadj Youcef (PhD Student)
* Louis d'Hendecourt (Senior researcher)
Reinier Janssen (Post-doc)
Anthony Jones (Senior researcher)
Mathieu Langer (Associate Professor)
Édouard Lecoq (PhD Student)
Louis Legrand (PhD Student)
Nadège Lemarchand (PhD Student)
Bruno Maffei (Professor)
Antoine Marchal (associated PhD Student)
Nicole Nesvadba (Researcher)
Luca Pagano (Post-doc)
Raphaël Peralta (CDD)
Guillaume Pineau des Forêts (Professor emeritus)
Jean-Loup Puget (Senior researcher, emeritus)
Abdellah Roussafi (Post-doc)
Laura Salvati (Post-doc)
Thiébaut Schirmer (PhD Student)
Samantha Stever (PhD Student)
Hideki Tanimura (Post-doc)
Laurent Verstraete (Professor)
Pieter de Vis (Post-doc)
Nathalie Ysard (Researcher)
* Member of the team Astrochemistry and Origins
CDD = fixed term contract