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Improving Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Number Counts with CMB-cluster-lensing Data: Results from the SPT-SZ Survey and Forecasts for the Future

TitreImproving Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Number Counts with CMB-cluster-lensing Data: Results from the SPT-SZ Survey and Forecasts for the Future
Type de publicationJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuteursChaubal, PS, Reichardt, CL, Gupta, N, Ansarinejad, B, Aylor, K, Balkenhol, L, Baxter, EJ, Bianchini, F, Benson, BA, Bleem, LE, Bocquet, S, Carlstrom, JE, Chang, CL, Crawford, TM, Crites, AT, de Haan, T, Dobbs, MA, Everett, WB, Floyd, B, George, EM, Halverson, NW, Holzapfel, WL, Hrubes, JD, Knox, L, Lee, AT, Luong-Van, D, McMahon, JJ, Meyer, SS, Mocanu, LM, Mohr, JJ, Natoli, T, Padin, S, Pryke, C, Ruhl, JE, Ruppin, F, Salvati, L, Saro, A, Schaffer, KK, Shirokoff, E, Staniszewski, Z, Stark, AA, Vieira, JD, Williamson, R
JournalAstrophys. J.
Mots-clés1455, 343, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics, Cosmology, Sigma8
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