Postdoc position in cosmology
LOCALIZATION (LOcal Clusters And supercLuster In sZ: Adding Thermal, kInetic and relativistic cOrrectioNs) is an ANR-funded project (PIs.: Dr. Nabila Aghanim (IAS) and Dr. Klaus Dolag (LMU)). It aims at producing hydrodynamical simulations and deriving the associated maps of large scale secondary CMB effects.
We are opening a post-doctoral position to hire a young researcher willing to join the team and who will work on the development of statistical methods necessary to perform the analysis of these CMB large scale simulated maps together with large-scale CMB data. We thus encourage applications from young researchers with preferentially, but not exclusively, expertise or past experience in CMB data analysis (including Sunyaev-Zeldovich, CMB-lensing, etc.).
The post-doctoral position (duration 2 years) is open at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) in Orsay (France). IAS is located 35 min train south of Paris, in the Université Paris-Saclay campus. The position (starting date: November 2022, subject to possible administrative delays) includes full access to the French healthcare system (medical and dental, etc). The salary will be fixed at the standard post-doc level, given the experience after PhD (from ~2200 to ~3200 euros before tax).
Applications including a statement of past research and a research project (4 pages maximum in total), a CV and a complete bibliography should be sent to before September 15th. Applicants should also arrange for two confidential reference letters to be sent to the same address before the deadline.
Deadline: Thursday, September 15, 2022